Monday, 24 September 2012

Week 11

Wow. This term has just flown by. It has now been two terms since I started and it feels like just yesterday, but also seems like we have done so much work it could be a whole year!

This term we will be doing a heap of assessment as we need to show how much progress you are making. For year 6s I need all your data for the intermediate. REMEMBER YOUR FORMS THIS WEEK!

This week is a full week so we need to make the most of it. CAN DO, WILL DO, POSITIVE ATTITUDES!

Mr Richards

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

In room6, we have been learning about celebrations.
We wrote down everything that is important to us.
 This is what they look like.

This is one I made on wordle.

by Jayden H.

click here to make your own.=D

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Week 10

Wow! Only two weeks left of the term. It is hard to believe that term 3 is nearly over! Congratulations to those who are going through to the speech finals. You have worked hard and have written some fairly convincing arguments. 

Friday, last week, was a bit of fun. Thank you for bringing in your gold coin donation to support child cancer and wearing our odd shoes. I must admit it was a little uncomfortable walking around in odd shoes!

This week our focus is on celebrations. Talk at home about what you and your whānau celebrate and what is important to you.

This week we will be working on being responsible/ haepapatanga and working independently / motuhaketanga

Have a great week, room 6.

Mr Richards

Monday, 10 September 2012

Term 3

Week 9

This week is speech week. Congratulations to tamariki who presented today. There was great diversity in the topics - I am tempted to send some to the IOC to get some action!

Remember to keep completing the home-play challenges! This is your last week. You could also begin training for the fun run.

Mr Richards